Upload Bundle
Software and configuration file releases are distributed from the Optimal Audio website as a single bundle file called system.bundle. See the update notes for the contents which may contain any or all of the following: Zone unit or subsystem firmware, Controller firmware, speaker presets and an updated WebApp.
Firstly, go to https://optimal-audio.co.uk/support/software/ to download the latest bundle. From the software maintenance page of WebApp, browse to the bundle file on your local device and upload the file. This will be transferred to the SD card. On the next reboot of the Zone unit, the bundle file will be unpacked onto the SD card filing system and used to update the system.
User bundles
It is possible to save and upload a user bundle of all the configured settings and parameters from your Zone Processor.
If for any reason there is no access via the WebApp to the Zone system, a user.bundle can be copied directly to the SD card root folder. Once this has been done, re-insert the SD card into the Zone, and power cycle. The Zone will unpack the file and update the firmware.
You will be warned if the user bundle has been created within a different WebApp version. WebApp is backwards compatible and will load older unit settings. There is checking within WebApp on this process to indicate whether a correct file has been uploaded.
Please note uploading a user bundle is a destructive process and will overwrite the whole of the current system configuration. If you wish to back up your user bundle select Download Current User Settings. We recommend saving your user.bundle files into memorable folders on your local device.