To get the best out of your Optimal Audio loudspeaker system, it's well worth considering how best to align Subs with your Cuboids, depending on the relative placement of the sub-bass and higher frequency elements of the system.
If you are able to deploy Sub and Cuboid in close proximity to each other, this is the best possible option as they essentially work together as one speaker - Sub extending the low frequency response. Ensure the grilles are perfectly aligned with each other to get the best coupling.
In many cases, Cuboid will be wall or ceiling mounted and Sub placed on the floor. From the point of view of the ideal listening position, the two cabinets are not the same distance away, which can lead to destructive interference at crossover frequency at worst, and a loss of transient detail and low-frequency punch.
The system can be optimised by applying delay to the cabinet that is closer to a given listening position, usually halfway in to the coverage area. This will always be a compromise everywhere else, bt to a much smaller degree if good alignment is in place.
In this example, the Cuboid has been wall-mounted, and the Sub is on the floor. Decide on a Recommended Listening Position (RLP), usually halfway through the coverage area. Measure the distance to each speaker.
Here, Cuboid is 0.9m closer than Sub.
Using the formula distance/speed of sound (334m/s @ 20 degrees C), Cuboid should be delayed by 0.9/334 = 2.6 milliseconds.
Loudspeaker delay can be set from within WebApp under the Line/Amp outputs section.