Note: SmartAmp Firmware Updater Tool is only available on Windows devices.
SmartAmp must be connected to PC via the 'Maintenance' USB micro port.
Latest version is v1.10.
Firmware Personality Check
Select the factory tab.
Press the 'Program SmartAmp Personality' button. Programming progress is shown in the message window. Correct firmware will be shown in green when the product code and version number match.
Mismatching firmware will be shown in red.
Main Processor Firmware Update
Important - Choose the correct firmware binary (.bin) file for the SmartAmp product you are updating. Clicking browse will open the folder containing the binary files.
Press 'Program' to update the unit. The progress will be indicated in the message window below.
DSP Firmware Update
Important - Choose the correct DSP firmware folder for the SmartAmp product you are updating. Clicking browse will open the folder selection.
Press 'Program' to update the unit. The progress will be indicated in the message window below.